
30 Day Program

-I will provide personal attention M-F.

-You will develop a clear business mission.

-You will become aware of and implement changes to limiting beliefs.

– We will develop a strong marketing plan to attract more clients to your business.

-You will learn tools to maintain high emotional states to fuel your business with the energy needed for success.

-You will receive training, encouragement, and accountability.

Cost: $498


A word from our clients

Josh Thomas


“I was an instructor under Mr. A at his Colorado location. Working for
him was worth more that a masters degree in business. His practical
advice and positive energy gave me the skills I needed to open my own
successful academy.”


Garret Kulik


“I love my craft and the fact that I own a business doing what I love. The love for my craft was not enough. It is critical to learn the foundation business structure for growing and maintaining a successful business. I learned those structures from Scott and have applied them in my business.”


Dean Kokorus


“As an immigrant, it was always my dream to own my own business. I was employed by Scott at the age of 21 and he guided me through the key business structure and showed me how to manage my emotional state so I now own the business I was once employed in. The systems are easy to learn and don’t get me wrong, you will face challenges. But once you know the structures and the mindset shifts your business will grow and you will enjoy the process.”